D.I.Kawaii - A Subscription Box Filled with Kawaii Crafts and Cute Designers!

[UPDATE - This post is for posterity, but D.I.Kawaii is no longer available.]


Last weekend, I finally launched my super secret project!  D.I.Kawaii!

D.I.Kawaii is a combination of my love of making cute things, teaching crafts and sharing cute indie makers with the world! My blog and online shop have centered around these ideals for over nine years and D.I.Kawaii is a natural progression for me.  I can’t wait to see what everyone makes!

One of my biggest passions is teaching crafts.  I’ve been crafting since I was little, accumulating lots of random knowledge and skills through out the years.  Teaching a skill, then seeing how people take that idea and make it their own is basically the best thing ever for me!  Couple that with my near-obsessive need to surround myself with everything kawaii and glittery, and you’ve D.I.Kawaii!

Along with making, I love supporting makers!  Kawaii artists and designers are doing the cutest stuff right now and I want to share them with the world.  Discover a new artist, start a new collection or add to your existing hoard (like me :P).

Each box will come with one super cute craft to make!  From decoden to embroidery to polymer clay, each month you’ll get something a little bit different and a lotta bit kawaii.   Step by step, photo instructions, a list of all supplies along with the shops who provided all the supplies so you can make more later (cuz I know you’re gonna want to!), will all be included as well.

Every craft is carefully chosen to be easy to make, a fun skill you can use over and over, all while using minimal supplies.  If any extra supplies, like glue guns, pliers, etc are needed, it will be noted in the box description. The main criteria is that each craft be super kawaii!

And that’s not all, cuties!  Along with your craft, you’ll get a surprise goodie from an indie designer.  Prints, buttons, jewelry, accessories, stationary, toys…you’ll never know.  Some months, you will even get exclusive designs just for D.I.Kawaii customers, by me!  I’m so excited to share some of my favorite kawaii designers with you!

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